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Raghu Lakshminaarayanan

Wedding Photography : Colour & Black and White

Wedding photography has made giant strides in the last 40 years or so. The advent of digitisation and colour photography there has been a dramatic change in the approach of wedding photographers.

In the days of the black and white film there was not much worry about the colours present since the output was always in two colours. With changing times the essence and technicalities of lighting has gained important and various parameters are to be kept in mind while doing a wedding shoot.

Yet most people are still convinced about the charm of black and white photography and look forward to at least a few frames being shot in b/w. As one of the top wedding photographers in Chennai at PHOTOSTROPHE we do not believe in manipulating images.

To us every image is a moment frozen naturally in time and except for the basic processing we avoid any kind of extra effects being added to the frame. Manipulation could give a visual treat but spoils the spontaneity and natural mood in which a particular pic  is shot.

Photography software’s have unlimited options in converting a pic into all styles and effects with the click of a button. This is not to say that such software is bad. But a responsible wedding photographer should have the talent and knowledge to succeed on the strength of his images shot naturally than to rely on such external factors to pop up his images and make them appealing.

In recent years this has been a dangerous trend. People look at wedding photography as an easy money making option and jump into the band wagon with expensive gadgets and hardly any knowledge of the genre. They get their confidence from the back up these software provide. They employ professionals trained in designing and make up for their inadequacy and patch up the missing elements to present an overall picture of a great wedding coverage.

Having been recognised as one of the best wedding photographers in Chennai  we too use different tones to give the viewer a different perspective but it is done after great thought. Using of various tomes and styles will have to be decided after analysing the mood / expression captured, to see if it would be suitable to have the pic in colour or otherwise. At times we retain both the original and a toned version allowing the client to choose.

At times some candid shots are best retained in color where as portraits look excellent in toned versions. Technology has so much to offer these days that wedding photographers have never had it so good in giving the clients what they want. 

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