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Patience – A Must Have Virtue for A Professional Wedding Photographer

Raghu Lakshminaarayanan

Patience is one of the most important virtues to be possessed by a professional wedding photographer. Expertise in handling equipment and latest technology, great imagination and creative skills are other faculties that one must possess. But if patience is lost then the presence of all of the rest is a big waste.

Weddings are about interacting with different characters with varied personalities. Wedding photography is one aspect of wedding where one is required to constantly interact with the family and guests continuously on a minute to minute basis. So even a little fraying of temper could cost the professional wedding photographer the event and at times his reputation. That is a very big price to pay for lack of patience.

Instructions to the wedding photographer at times comes from different sets of people who want to stamp their importance or superiority at the wedding. While the client and the wedding photographer may have a good rapport, interference by relatives and fiends cannot be ignored. Hence right amount of diplomacy has to be exercised by the professional wedding photographer in tackling the situation.

While the client gives the wedding photographer full freedom to cover the proceedings from any angle there are always a few self-appointed spokesperson (or so they will say from either side ) dictating the way photos should be taken. Important moments could be lost too due to the over bearing attitude of certain relatives. The professional wedding photographer must anticipate all this and digest all these situations with a smiling face. 

Indian weddings being long drawn affairs the rituals do not always begin on time. And some clients are so over cautious that they instruct the photographers to be present at the wedding venue a few hours ahead of when they are required. They do not realise that the toughest thing for a professional wedding photographer is to remain idle when he is actually raring to go.

Extended periods of waiting kill their creativity and tires them out which will certainly affect the output. It is not possible for all clients to understand this. Hence a clear message must be conveyed to the client while discussing details about the wedding. But a professional wedding photographer has to be extremely careful in conveying the intended message without offending any one. To the couple it is a special day. No one should be responsible in spoiling it on any aspect.

The responsibility on a professional is huge and it is a must to remember that as a professional wedding photographer one is present to carry out an important job – documenting the event for posterity. Hence it is very essential to exercise and display great patience and professionalism.      #WeddingPhotographer #WeddingPhotographerinChennai #ChennaiWeddingPhotographer #ProfessionalWeddingPhotographer #PremiumWeddings #IndianWeddingPhotographer #IndianWeddings

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